Request An Estimate


Tell us about your project and we will provide you with a quick estimate of the cost.  We can provide multiple options, such as pine vs. cedar, footer board sizes, and multiple other options to help keep your vision beautiful and affordable.  To help ensure your estimate is as accurate as it can be, please include as much information as possible.  You can upload up to 6 files (scanned notes or drawings, photos, etc.) to help us interpret how you envision the finished product.

Shortly after you submit your request for an estimate someone from Red Robin Fencing will contact you to discuss it further.  We thank you for contacting us, and we look forward to working with you in the near future.

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These services are generally part of the contract and do not effect cost. In extreme cases, such as excessive land clearing, any additional fees will be determined and agreed on before work begins.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 6 files.

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